cattle cattle n. 牛. 【動詞+】 We bed the cattle on straw. 牛をわらの上に寝かせる brand cattle 牛に(所有者の目じるしの)焼き印を押す breed cattle for meat 肉用に牛を繁殖させる drive cattle to pasture 牛を牧草地に追っていく fatt
at the same time , he organized the tokyo meat sellers association by calling together those wholesale meat sellers in tokyo prefecture from 15 wards and 6 districts , while he also became a member of the board of directors for the tokyo cattle market company . 傍ら、東京府下15区6郡の肉問屋を糾合して東京諸畜売肉商組合を結成すると共に、1887年(明治20年)には東京家畜市場会社の理事に就任。
he held the following positions: president of iroha gomei kaisha , director of tokyo cattle market company (butcher house ); chief of tokyo meat sellers association (whole sale meat sellers ); president of tokyo hakuzen company ltd ., (crematory ); president of tokyo shibaura kosen company ltd . (japanese - style hotel with restaurant , equipped with in-house hot springs ); president of japan beer company ltd . (ebisu beer ); councilor of tokyo chamber of commerce; advisor to japan businessman ' s association; elected representative to shiba ward; city council member of tokyo city assembly; council member to tokyo prefectural assembly . いろは合名会社社長、東京家畜市場会社(屠場)理事、東京諸畜売肉商(肉卸問屋)組合頭取、東京博善株式会社(火葬場)社長、東京本芝浦鉱泉株式会社(温泉つき割烹旅館)社長、日本麦酒醸造会社(ヱビスビール)社長、東京商業会議所議員、日本商家同志会顧問、芝区議会議員、東京市議会議員、東京府議会議員。